Faculty Resource Center

Canvas Help PagePipeline Help PageGmail Help PageSLO help pageZoom Help PageAccessibility help pageend of term checklist

For Faculty questions, please email the FRC team at
frc-group@pipeline.sbcc.edu.  If you have a canvas question, please include your CRN or a link to your course.

Or you can fill out our Support Form and one of us will get back to you ASAP.

SBCC Non-Credit has a separate resource page here.

The FRC is located in ECC40 (next to security).  We are open for drop in 9am-10am M-F.   

We have 5 Macs and 5 Windows computers for faculty use.  We are working on a recording room that will open FA22.

Fall 2022 Training

Sign up for all sessions in the Vision Resource Center (zoom link for each session is in the "session details" in the VRC)

SnagIt 2023- 11/17

Equitize Your Syllabus- 11/10

How to share your course safely using Canvas Commons- 11/4

Canvas Import and Settings- 11/3

New Gmail Layout and Features- 10/27

Loom Training- 10/07

PlayPosit- Track Video Lectures  9/30

Snagit 2022  9/27

Playposit and Creative Presentations  9/23

Respondus Demo and QA 9/14

New Quizzes 9/9 

Zoom Refresher 9/8 

Zoom 2022 training (https://sbcc.zoom.us/) (full playlist)

Playposit - Turn a youtube video into an assignment  6:15-25:00
Playposit can be used to track if students are watching a video by turning the video into an assignment.  You can also add quiz questions to the video that students need to answer to continue the video.   Handout Version
Using Playposit to support a flipped classroom (article)


Past Video Recordings


  • Here is the contact information for FRC faculty and staff:


     Vacant, FRC Co-Director & Professional Development Coordinator,   - Instructional Consultation; Faculty Training & Advisement

    portrait of Laurie Vasquz
    Laurie Vasquez (Mornings in DSPS; Afternoons in the FRC),  ECC-40, x 2724,
    Assistive Technology Specialist, vasquez[at]sbcc.edu 
    Universal Design, Procurement of Accessible Instructional Technology, Assistive Technology; and Online Accessibility

    Management & Staff:

    Director, Instructional Technology, and Co-Director, FRC (department manager), ECC-40, x2860

    Rob Brown
    Robert Brown, FRC Development Specialist, Sr., ECC-40, X2860, RLBrown2[at]pipeline.sbcc.edu - Web page development, Online Course training, Graphics design, E-Lumen and Omni tool training, Campus Pipeline
    Rob was selected as the Outstanding Classified Member of the Year in Spring 2016!
     portrait of Jeff Barnes

    Jeff Barnes, FRC Technology Specialist, ECC-40, x2395, barnes[at]sbcc.edu - Video and Audio Production/Compression/Streaming; DVD and CD mastering

    Jeff (pictured below receiving Honorable Mention at Outstanding Classified Staff Member of the Year Award (April 2018) with Dr. Anthony Beebe (former President of SBCC) and Elizabeth Auchincloss, CSEA steward and Classified Council Member.

    picture of Jeff receiving honorable mention for Outstanding Classified Staff Member of Year

    portrait of Karen Shannon
    Karen Shannon, FRC Development Specialist, Sr., ECC-40, X2861, klshannon[at]pipeline.sbcc.edu - Web Page Development; Online Course & Campus Pipeline training.
    Karen (pictured below receiving Honorable Mention at Outstanding Classified Staff Member of the Year Award (April 2019) with Dr. Pamela Ralston (EVP of SBCC) and Elizabeth Auchincloss, CSEA steward and Classified Council Member.
    picture of Karen receiving honorable mention for oustanding classified member of year at April 2019 Board meeting
     Portrait of Say.
    Say Dempsay Skiles, FRC Development Specialist, Sr., ECC-40, X2862, wadempsay[at]pipeline.sbcc.edu - Web Page Development; eLumen, Instructional Design, Online Course & Campus Pipeline training. 
  • This section contains links to a variety of web tutorials and guides to computer technology and software used at SBCC. They are listed below:

    Document Signatures

    Classroom management, record-keeping, & student early-alert - Classroom management generally refers to those tasks that do not focus on teaching actions but on ones that are required.

    • Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) - This is a link to our SLO training materials. The SLO page includes examples of CSLOs, rubrics, and general information on student learning outcomes. The college's official list of SLOs, as well as detailed description of the SLO cycle, can be found on the college's Accreditation website.
    • Campus Pipeline Portal - This portal is a hub for connecting to all of the college's enterprise computer systems such as Google Mail, Canvas learning management system, Banner (access to rosters, submitting final grades and faculty grade packet submissions), and other important, non-teaching systems such as payroll, college financials, etc. - desktop/laptop or LIMITED mobile app
    • Submitting grade packet (records of achievement) - At the end of each semester, the college requires that each faculty member submits records of achievement (copy of gradebook in electronic form) of each section to the Faculty Grade Packet Upload Tool in Admissions & Records at https://ebb.sbcc.edu/gput/ . The files must be in the following formats in order to be submitted: .xls,.xlsx, .csv, .txt,.rtf,.pdf.
      • Canvas gradebooks can be downloaded/exported. See this Canvas guide for help.
      • For those that would like to convert paper gradebooks into electronic form, you may do so utilizing some of the satellite copiers around campus.
    • Positive Attendance - Some courses require recording of positive attendance. After logging into Banner, select the submit positive attendance link.  If you see a course listed, then you must enter the positive attendance data for that class. If you do not see a course listed in the positive attendance page, then you have no positive attendance recording to submit. Here are instructions and a video posted that demonstrates how to submit positive attendance.
    • Banner – Faculty members can class rosters, add authorization codes, drop students, and submit final letter grades via Banner. - desktop/laptop or LIMITED mobile app
    • Curricunet/Meta - This is the curriculum management system where the course of study outlines - CORs are stored, and where course modifications and new course proposals are submitted. - desktop/laptop
    • eLumen - This is the system for submitting course SLO scores, course improvement plans (CIPS), and participation report of department faculty - access via a link under faculty tab after logging into Campus Pipeline. - Contact the FRC for training and Dr. Michael Robinson (faculty SLO coordinator) at marobinson3[at]sbcc[dot]edu for running reports in eLumen. desktop/laptop
    • Starfish - This is an early alert retention and connect system to address student retention at the college. (starting summer or fall 2016 semester) - desktop/laptop
    • 25Live - Room Scheduling Request Tool - This tool is for SBCC faculty and staff who want to request a room on-campus during regular business hours for special events. Students should work through student clubs or the Associate Dean of Student Development's office. - desktop/laptop
    • OMNI - OMNI is the tool we use to edit the pages within sbcc.edu.  If you do not have access to edit your page, please contact the FRC for assistance.  There is a google slideshow that shows a preview of all "snippets"
    • End of Term Checklist - A simple checklist to remember what needs to be done at the end of the term such as submitting final grades, recording positive attendance (some classes only), uploading grades to course packet, etc.

    Technology for online or on-campus instruction

    • Gmail - the college's official email system for communicating with students and other college staff - Contact the IT Helpdesk at X2215 for technical questions and the FRC for teaching/learning uses of Google apps - desktop/laptop or mobile app
    • Canvas - College’s official learning management system for online and on-campus courses. Each faculty member has a Canvas course shell for every section she teaches. Check flex website for small group Canvas workshops or contact FRC staff for an individual training appointment. - desktop/laptop and mobile app
    • Google Drive - Toolset for creating, storing and sharing classroom materials on the Web - Contact the IT Helpdesk at X2215 for technical questions and the FRC for teaching/learning uses of Google apps - desktop/laptop or mobile app
    • Office 365Toolset for creating, storing and sharing classroom materials on the Web - Contact the IT Helpdesk at X2215 for technical questions and the FRC for teaching/learning uses of Google apps - desktop/laptop or mobile app
    • Zoom - Web conferencing software that can be used for virtual meetings such as college committees, online office hours, and online tutoring. Contact the IT Helpdesk at X2215 to set up an account. - desktop/laptop or mobile app
    • TurnItin - plagiarism prevention software system used to store students' papers and for faculty to review, grade, and provide feedback on student papers. Only faculty can submit student paper deletion requests to the Turnitin administrator. Read the directions on this page for more information. Contact Laurie Vasquez at X2724 to set up an account. - desktop/laptop -  How to setup a TurnitIn assignment in Canvas (no account required)
    • LinkedIn Learning - The college has licensed all the LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) products.  It is accessible  via a link on your resources tab in Campus Pipeline. - desktop/laptop or mobile app


    Contingent Teaching, Related Methodologies, and Research Findings

    • Contingent teaching Handout - Includes info on related approaches such as punctuated lectures, interrupted case method, peer instruction, etc.

    Creating Course Web-based Materials

    Photo or Video & Audio Production of Course Materials

    Recording your Video/Audio


    Tips for using a smartphone to take pictures. - Here's a link to a site with a number of great tips for improving the quality of your photographs.


    Captioning your Video or Transcribing your Audio

    Uploading and Storing your Video for Viewing


    • See DSPS website on selecting and developing instructional materials are that are accessible to students
  • The section has a list of of the technology and non-technology types of training available through the FRC.  FRC provides various types of technology and non-technology training. 

    Faculty Professional Development and Training Schedule (Use your Pipeline ID and password to register. ) 

    Technology Training (Pipeline, Canvas, Google, Starfish, Mobile, Clickers, etc.) 
    Small group technology training in the FRCHuman presence technology training

    Linked-In Learning (formerly Lynda.com) - After logging into Campus Pipeline, choose the Linked-In Learning link on your resources tab.

    Grant-funded Training & Development - Contact Elizabeth Imhof at imhof[at]sbcc[dot]edu to find out about participating in these workshops.

    Accessibility Training (Materials, Software, and Hardware) - If you develop course materials or make use of publisher materials, then you should participate in the FRC's accessibility workshops or complete the @ONE workshops on your own.

  • Inclusive photos
    Images of Empowerment: Free images of women’s lives and work, created by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and Getty Images; License: CC-BY-NC-4.0
    Allgo Plus-Size: Free stock photography collections featuring plus-size people; License: While attribution is not required, please credit
    Disabled And Here: Free stock photography featuring disabled BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color), varied body sizes/types, sexual orientations, and gender identities in the Pacific Northwest; License CC BY 4.0
    The Gender Spectrum Collection: Photo by @taylorckt1 from nappy.co (CC0)Free stock photos of trans and non-binary people, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Nappy: Free high-resolution photos of black and brown people, licensed Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
    PICNOI: Free photos of people of color; no attribution required, but can give credit by linking to site
    #WOCinTech Chat: Free photos of women and non-binary people of color working in the Tech field; licensed CC BY #WOCinTech Chat or wocintechchat.com
    Redefining Women Icon Collection: Icons of women; License: Creative Commons Public Domain CC0 1.0
    Please share these repositories with others in your community to help make our institutions more equitable and inclusive for all students. 
    Jopwell is a career advancement platform for Black, Latinx, and Native American students and professionals that helps companies become more diverse.
    Disability:IN is a nonprofit that helps businesses be more inclusive and provide opportunities for people with disabilities in the US and worldwide.
    UKBlackTech is an innovation group working to make the UK tech industry more ethnically diverse.
    Pexels is a huge database for free, Creative Commons-licensed stock photography and videography. In 2018, they decided to commit to a more diverse experience and updated their algorithm to grant underrepresented people more visibility in their search results.

    “While attribution is not required to use some photos, please consider giving credit whenever possible so that others may find these collections. The licenses listed are current as of the publication of this post; however, it’s always a good idea to check the site’s licensing terms before using.


  • This Academic Senate committee is dedicated to creating a dialogue about teaching and learning at SBCC.  The committee meets 2nd/4th Mondays, 3:00 p.m. in the Faculty Library Study Room. 

    Functions and Responsibilities of CFR

    1. Identifies and facilitates the incorporation of strategies that enhance student success in the classroom and through campus learning support services (Library and LRC).
    2. Works closely with instructional faculty and Student Services to integrate student success initiatives campus-wide.
    3. Serves as liaison between faculty and Library staff on policies affecting utilization of the library, its resources and other faculty matters.
    4. Serves as liaison between faculty and LSS staff on policies affecting utilization of the LSS, its resources and other faculty matters.
    5. Provides oversight and general direction on tutorial allocations, and policies for operation of the LSS (Library/LRC).

    Here is a series of links to resources this committee or the Faculty Resource Center believes will be of use to faculty:


CVC/OEI information

What is the CVC/OEI?
The California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges (CCCs) to ensure that significantly more students are able to complete their educational goals by increasing both access to and success in high-quality online courses.

What is the Course Design Rubric?
The rubric can be found here.  The Rubric is used by the CVC/OEI to review courses and "badge" them when fully alligned.  A badged course will show higher is studnets course searcher when looking for courses that are not at their home college.  You can view this search system here

How to I get my course alligned?
Contact the FRC using the form linked at the top of this page.  We offer Rubric training every spring and fall depending on demand.  The course generally meets every other week for 8 weeks, with personal check-ins in between.

What We Do

Mission: The mission of the SBCC Faculty Resource Center (FRC) is to provide instructional consultation and support to educational program faculty and departments so that students can successfully achieve their course and institutional student learning outcomes (SLOs).

The FRC serves the mission of the college by providing the following services to faculty and staff: (See the PDF to read the FRC's SLOs).

  • Pedagogically-focused training - Training that focuses on teaching strategies for on campus (including smart or technology equipped classrooms) and online classes. We offer training in a variety of tools geared toward teachers’ skill levels, goals, and interests. Take a peek at our technology planning matrix.

  • Consultation and advisement about teaching strategies, technologies' selection, and creation of universally-designed course materials – Probably the most important service we offer is planning and consultation. Our job is to listen to your needs and goals and provide advice about how to proceed. Sometimes that includes technology solutions but it always includes pedagogical strategies. So don’t be bashful,  email us at frc-group[at]pipeline.sbcc.edu

  • Instructional Materials Development - includes video/audio taping and editing. We also provide instructional design and technology expertise to create your materials. See our Faculty Showcase to see some of the FRC/faculty projects where we’ve provided instructional design and development support.

  • Exploration of new technologies for teaching in the classroom - This includes new mobile and web technologies, etc.

  • Leadership in making recommendations to faculty and administration - We participate in educational program workgroups and Academic Senate committees.

Map to FRC - Building is temporarily closed 

Location and Hours of Operation: Our hours of operation are: 8 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday Location: ECC-40 (see map below)  Department email: frc-group[at]pipeline.sbcc.edu

Map to Faculty Resource Center

Faculty Resource Center (ECC-40 next to Security) below pedestrian bridge