
Strategic Enrollment Committee

Meeting Date/Time:  2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 12:45 pm to 2:00 pm

Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
In 2017, the Abbreviated Strategic Enrollment Management Plan established that: A Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP) will be developed by the Office of Educational Programs. A SEM Committee will be established to guide this process. Members from all constituent groups will be represented. 

As an open-entry institution, Santa Barbara City College serves a diverse student body with wide-ranging educational goals. SBCC’s Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) committee encompasses recruitment, enrollment, retention, and goal completion from an institution-wide perspective. At its core, SEM decision-making is student-centered and fiscally responsible. 

In order to ensure long-term viability, SBCC regularly adapts programs and services to meet the changing needs of its communities and students. SEM addresses current realities, adapts to the changing environment, and includes proactive planning. At Santa Barbara City College,  SEM is a shared responsibility that ensures fiscal stability and viability by optimizing enrollments and integrating SEM into financial planning, budgeting, and allocation processes.

Decision-Making Process: 
The committee will discuss and decide the process for shared decision-making that includes adequate time for deliberation and consideration by all constituency groups. Membership includes both resource (non-voting) and constituent  (Academic Senate, Associated Student Government, Classified Consultation Group, and District administrator) representation. Formal recommendations will receive first- and second-readings by all groups. Voting on formal recommendations, when necessary, will function with a simple majority vote format. 

Strategic Enrollment Management Plan and Assessment
Academic Calendar Review and Recommendations
FTES and Efficiency Target Recommendations
FTEF Budget Allocation Recommendations
Waitlist practices and class cancelation guidelines



Executive Vice President - SEM Lead

Non-voting Dr. Pamela Ralston 
 Dean of Students    
 Dean of Students    
 Three instructional deans    
 Associate Dean of Students    
 Two instructional deans