Faculty Dialog Seminars
This Spring, the FRC has been hosting a series of seminars focusing on strategies that SBCC faculty are using to promote student engagement and learning in their classrooms. The following are links to the presenters and their seminars. We will be adding their handouts to this site over time.
from Spring 2016
Dr. Matthew Mooney - History Department
Here's a link to a narrative description of the same process from his work in the faculty iPad group.
This workshop will focus on Professor Mooney's approach to using peer instruction and contingent teaching techniques in his courses. The workshop will include a discussion with faculty as to how they may use these strategies and technologies (Moodle/Google Docs) in their disciplines.
Dr. Michael Robinson - Earth & Planetary Sciences Department
Dr. Michael Robinson's presentation (see link to his Powerpoint file at bottom of page) will focus on how he determines his students’ levels of comprehension during lecture and what he does on the spot to address the gap when they demonstrate they are having trouble with a critical concept. He'll then lead participants hands-on through the process.of gathering student responses in real time and analyzing their performance using SmartPhones or clickers.
Mr. Mohammed EL-Soussi - Computer Network Engineering & Electronics (CNEE) department
No video lecture available
In this workshop, the presenter will show you how to empower students to take charge of their own learning by continuously improving teaching and learning processes.
See the link to Professor EL-Soussi's handout/file below. - System's Approach to Teaching and Learning
Dr. Danielle Swiontek, History Department
Dr. Danielle Swiontek will present “Group Work to Increase Reading Skills and Analysis“ this Friday, 4/8/16, at 1 in the FRC. She will discuss her use of Stanford’s “Reading Like a Historian” curriculum. This curriculum teaches students how to investigate historical questions by employing reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading. She’ll provide models that are readily adaptable other disciplines.
Here are the links to the handouts she showed at the session.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H1QezMynm4ZnmtKdpnP_Z5pprUZkMm3xBMFwvqMKxjc/edit?usp=sharing
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AY-UPCIxomUJHnBQ3Y_2eobBs4FvF0Lpbr0RNtMBO7c/edit?usp=sharing
- https://docs.google.com/a/pipeline.sbcc.edu/document/d/1E5AVBZojPi7IxZlMYhjF-Ve6knE-n5JumSh3ugxXixM/edit?usp=sharing
- http://www.pbs.org/hueypnewton/actions/actions_platform.html
Ms. Michele Peterson and Dr. Jody Millward, English Skills & English Departments
They will discuss “Reading And Writing As Essential Thinking Skills."
Michele Peterson became a full-time faculty member at SBCC in 1989. She has three MAs– Special Education, Reading (composition minor) and Counseling Psychology– and a TESL certificate. She created the PD 100 program here and has taught in ESL, English, English Skills and Alcohol and Drug Counseling. Her most recent work has been in mindfulness, a practice she has been teaching students and faculty at SBCC for the past 3 years. She will share some easily adapted and applied strategies for helping students read, annotate, analyze and evaluate textbooks, articles, and Internet sources.
See the link to Professor Peterson's Powerpoint presentation below...
Jody Millward, as a coal miner’s daughter, has inspired many country hits. She worked her way through college as an all night waitress, hotel maid, and in a steel mill. She got her PhD in American Lit at UCSB, taught there and in Louisiana before coming to SBCC full time in 1991. She has won many honors, among them the highest teaching accolade in the state, the Hayward Excellence in Education award, in 2014. She aided in creating two programs on campus dedicated to helping students underrepresented in academia; the College Achievement Program (CAP) as well as the Multicultural English Transfer (MET) program. Jody was Chair of the Two-Year College English Association Search Initiative Committee (TYCA) from 2005 to 2011 and is currently the Pacific Coast Regional Representative for students and faculty at City College. She has served on the national executive committees of both the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Drawing on current research Jody will discuss how to use writing as a cross-disciplinary critical thinking tool; she’ll then address discipline-specific genre concerns.
Presenters: Dr. Jerry Pike & Mr. Mark Ferrer: Reaping the Innocent Rewards of a Noble Profession
Dr. Jerry Pike: Using tutors, LTAs, DLAs (Directed Learning Activities) and the LRC homepage as a means to lessen the instructional burden on teachers while increasing the academic skills of students.
Mark Ferrer: Applying research findings in instructional and learning theory to our teaching.
We will discuss the challenges these “findings” present and consider some possible solutions- quick, direct, manageable solutions- proposed during this Spring FRC series and in practice elsewhere.